Helichrysum Oil 25ml - 50ml

Helichrysum Oil 25ml - 50ml

Regular price$24.95

that helichrysum essential oil can help promote healing, fight infection, and reduce inflammation. Most studies have been small, or involve animals or tissue in the laboratory, rather than humans. However, this early science suggests that helichrysum essential oil may be able to help:


Colds and cough

Helichrysum essential oil may have antimicrobial properties that help fight colds and coughs, Additionally, colds and coughs can cause inflammation in your airways and inside your nose. Studies suggests that helichrysum may also help reduce inflammation. The best way to treat colds and coughs with helichrysum oil is to use a diffuser.

Wound healing

Helichrysum oil may be able to help wound heal more quickly, although the mechanisms are unclear. The antimicrobial properties of helichrysum can help prevent infection, which helps the wound heal.

Muscle and joint inflammation

Because studies suggest that helichrysum essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, it may be able to reduce muscle and joint inflammation when rubbed into the affected area.

There are so very many more benefits of this Essential oil.

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